Switch Between Google Chrome Profiles with Alfred on MacOS

I use multiple profiles in Google Chrome to separate my work and personal browsing.

I wanted to be able to switch to a specific profile's window using Alfred.

The Alfred workflow only has two parts:

  • A List Filter: Gives me a list of profiles by typable name. The output is a simple string: 'profile Name:window Name'
  • A Run Script: Takes the input from the List Filter, splits it into parts, and uses those parts to either find the window or open a new one.

Moving from Hugo to Lume (1, base template)

I've decided to move my blog from Hugo to Lume. As noted in my previous post, I've been using Hugo for a while, and it's been pretty great! But putting together made me realize how many small friction points there are. I also want to embed the documentation for some of my projects in the site, and (based on an experiment), I think that will be much easier to do with Lume.

This will be a multi-step process, and I'll document it as I go. I'm starting with the base template, and will work my way through the rest of the site.


SSG with Obsidian and Lume

All tech has a cycle, including what we use to make our websites. I come back to this place every few years[1], and it is always a ramble when I do.

I am setting up a new website for someone else, which has given me the lovely excuse to revisit this perennial topic. While not a developer, they are familiar with Obsidian (and its markdown extensions). Messing around with Obsidian and themes has also lead to some familiarity with CSS, which is a bonus.

I have a few objectives for the exercise this time around: I want site content (blog posts, section pages) to be previewable and editable in Obsidian. For simplicity, I will start by publishing the whole vault (no filters other than the ubiquitous draft frontmatter flag). I am thinking most "pre-process" stuff (markdown file/link construction) can just be done with the Templater plugin.


Find lost things in Obsidian with the CustomJS plugin

Obsidian is a lovely note-taking tool that I use for all the things. It is flexible and plastic in a really lovely way.

But over time (or due to overuse of bulk updates in VSCode), you can end up with images that aren't referenced anywhere, or links to images that don't exist (or are not where the note expects them to be).

My first attempt at making a list of lost things used dataview, but I had a few problems with it: it was generally slow to render (not surprising, it was doing a lot), and due to that slowness, the note would flicker when I opened it on my tablet.

In this attempt, I'm using an invokable scripts from the CustomJS plugin to update/replace the conent of a note.

The general idea: I run the script (command), it updates/replaces the contents of a note. I can review that note and decide if unreferenced files should be deleted, or if links need to be fixed, etc. I can run the script again to verify that I've fixed the problem, or I can forget about it until the next time I feel like I should tidy things up.

The gist is shown below the fold (see more).


QCon London 2023: You can go your own way

Technically, the talk title was a lot longer, "You Can Go Your Own Way: Navigating Your Own Career Path"

I have never done a soft-skills, career development talk before. It was a unique experience. Being vulnerable and somewhat uncomfortable, sharing your story, dealing with imposter syndrome (why would anyone want to hear this?)... It was all of those things. Connecting with people and sharing experiences was totally worth it.

Quarkus and Camel in bites: REST endpoints

Learning things a teensy bit at a time. While my ultimate goal is to do pretty much anything other than REST, I still have this nice shiny svelte front-end that needs to pull some things from the co-resident Quarkus app. I could, of course, provide that information in "the usual way", but I'm exploring Camel here, which means I should try doing it that way, instead.

Using Quarkus and Camel together is a bit of a brain-bender, as you're overlapping two environments that are totally independent and overlapping, but it does work, and I can see some glimmers of why, but if you've grown up thinking about things as RestTemplates or JAX-RS resources, it's... very different.
